Harry J Olson Senior Center


Welcome to Harry J Olson Senior Center!!  The Center has a mission of providing age appropriate activities, exercise classes, informal social groups, and other events specifically designed for age 50 and older residents in La Crosse and surrounding areas.   We are here to help each other age gracefully, while remaining physically, mentally and socially active.  Come join us or come for a visit.  Everyone 50+ is welcome.

Friday September 20, 2024


10:30am-1:00pm or until SOLD OUT!!

Harry J Olson Senior Center

$5.00 gets you a delish Maid-Rite sandwich, Chips and Dessert.  Each additional Maid-Rite is $3.00

Need to do a Drive thru?  Call us ahead and we will try to accommodate (this is for those of us who have trouble walking - because parking is crazy)  This will be LIMITED

The Maid-rites are delish!



Work is finished on the Roof Project at Harry J Olson Senior Center!

Stop by or drive past and see all the activity.

                                                            Not only is the roof being fully replaced, the gutters, the front point of the building and all the dormers are getting an upgrade as well.  

We are excited and thankful for this generous donation from a member of Harry J Olson Senior Center!

THANK YOU NANCY CARLSEN and In Loving Memory of your Sister Donna .


CHARTWELLS@UW-La Crosse and Vickey Moutsopoulos for the very generous and delicious lunch that they provided to celebrate our finally getting the Harry J Olson Senior Center building from the City of La Crosse.  The food was wonderful and the gesture was even more so!

                          Looking for a Little Activity to Help Your Balance, Core Strength and Your Brain?

Come Check out our Tai Chi/Chair Yoga Class 

Monday and Fridays


This class is guided by a Certified Tai Chi/Yoga Instructor!  

You can do Tai Chi, Tai Chi and Chair Yoga, or just Chair Yoga - your choice, your comfort zone.

(I'm not sure we'll be doing that pose!  :)   )

The class will cost  $2.00 per session.  This class is open to all 55+ - you need not be a member to participate.  Come join us - all ability levels are encouraged!

Harry  Olson Senior Center

1607 North Street

La Crosse, WI 54603

Call with any questions 608-781-2122


Jim Bloedorn is looking for interested folks who want to learn to play Bridge.

Know a little?  Haven't got a clue?

Jim is a patient and kind teacher.  Callus at the Center and let us know if you are interested in morning, afternoon or evening meeting times. 

The class will be free, the Bridge book will have a fee

You do not have to be a member or a senior to come to this!!!


What's Going on at Harry J Olson Senior Center?

Mondays and Fridays - 9:30a.m. - Chair Yoga/Tai Chi

Monday and Friday -9:30a.m. - Tai Chi

Monday 12:00pm - Coulee Region Woodcarvers

Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9:00a.m. - Strong Seniors

Tuesdays -1:00p.m. - 500 Cards - Call Cheryl 608-786-1114 to register

Tuesday 7:00p.m. - Duplicate Bridge - Call Dave Melin 608-797-3587 

Wednesdays - 1:00p.m. - Euchre - Call Cheryl 608-786-1114 to register

Wednesdays - Public Dance - EVERYONE WELCOME!!  You don't have to be a dancer, senior or a member to come!

Thursday - 12:30p.m. - Duplicate Bridge - Contact Dave Melin 608-797-3587

**Every THIRD Wednesday of the Month: **

WEDNESDAYS FOR LUCH - Lunch from 11:00a.m.-12:30p.m. - Menu will vary - Please call 608-781-2122 to RSVP - 55+ years invited - No Cost Event!

You do not have to be a member to attend the Wednesday for Lunch Events.  Bring a friend - Come and join us!

**Second Monday of Every Month**

Craft Corner - 1:00pm Hosted by Jackie Tulius and Deb Carlson

Every month has a different theme/craft.  Fun/free and great conversations!

608-781-2122 to R.S.V.P

            Harry J Olson Senior Center is OPEN!!!

                                                                                       SEE YOU AT THE CENTER!!!!!

Don't Forget to Come into Harry J Olson and Sign up for Monthly drawing!!

You must be a Member to Sign Up!  One Entry per Member!

You must COME into the Building to Enter!  You Need Not Be Present To Win!

"Ticket" is available at HJO!!!

Drawing is held at Wednesday for Lunch (every third Wednesday of the month)

Harry J Olson Senior Center Volunteers out ringing the bell for the Salvation Army!!  


The calendar to your left highlights all the fun activities at Harry J.  Please come and join us at: 1607 North Street, La Crosse WI

If you have any questions or would like to contact us: 608-781-2122 or email harryjolson@gmail.com

Here is how to find us:

                                                                                                         A Little History of the Harry J Olson Senior Center:  

Around the time of 1964-1965 the residents of La Crosse and the surrounding communities became aware of a growing need for Retirees.  Three local community leaders stepped up:  Professor Walter Thoreson UW-La Crosse, Dr. Sig Sivertson Gundersen Clinic/Lutheran Hospital, and Russell Cleary Heilman Brewing Company.  These men had a survey commissioned that showed the need for a Senior Center.  Several other local leaders became involved and formed an Advisory Board of Directors, which became the governing body for this new idea.  Harry J Olson, became the first President of that Board.  

In May of 1965 a group of interested retirees furnished, painted and prepared the U.A.W Building at 624 Gillette Street to be the home of their group.  July 12, 1965 was the first official meeting.  Eighty people attended.  A governing body of the retirees within the organization became the first Executive Board.

The meeting place at 624 Gillette flourished.  As more events and activities were added:  from square dancing, lip reading classes and much more the retirees were finding that they were growing out of their building.  In 1974 the hunt was on for a new place to meet.  The Board wanted to stay on the Northside of La Crosse and found a building to purchase.  The Bethany Free Church at 1607 North Street.  The City purchased the building from Herman Tillman who owned it at that time.  The building was originally built in 1886.  It was the Chicago Burlington and Northern Railroad Dormitory back then.

Well, as the story goes...after the purchase in 1975 many ambitious seniors brought their hammers and saws to be part of the remodeling.  Never looking for a handout, the seniors wanted to pull their weight in this new endeavor.  The kitchen was overhauled and modernized, the walls and ceilings were replaced and painted, windows repaired, floors buffed and carpeted.  This as they say was all done by the "White haired senior brigade".

On May 2, 1976 the Harry J Olson Multi-Purpose Center celebrated it's grand open house.  Goverment officials from Senator Paul Offner to Mayor Zielke (and many more) were all here to celebrate the new home for seniors to gather.  A new flag which had been flown over the White House was raised outside our doors.

June 1, 1978 saw the groundbreaking project for a "new" 60' x 60' addition.  Also part of the project was a new parking lot east of the building. The project took 185 days to complete.  

Present day:  There has been a lot of activity and changes in the last 57 years, we continue with the original mission of a Senior Center that is a vibrant evolving part of the community.

An update:  As of March 31, 2024 at 2:39pm we are officially the owners of the Harry J Olson Senior Center!!!  We are a 501(c)3 and follow all rules that apply.  Harry J Olson receives no money from the City or the County at this time.  

Update:  Thank you Nancy Carlsen for the extraordinary donation of a NEW ROOF for Harry J Olson Senior Center.  We are forever grateful to you and your sister Donna for this amazing gift.

Update:  Thank you Cary Heating for the generous donation of a new furnace.  A NEW FURNACE!  Your generosity makes our hearts sing!

                                                                                                     THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED SO HARD TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN


There are dances every Wednesday night at Harry J!  Come and shake your socks with dancers of all abilities.  All ages are welcome!!  

Cost: $8.00 single   $15.00 couple.  Don't dance?  You can come for the live music and the social gathering.  Music, treats and conversation....does it get any better?

September 11, 2024 - Ron & Jeff

September 18, 2024 - Wally Tranberg

September 25, 2024 - Jerry and the Girls

October 2, 2024 - Ryan Herman

October 9, 2024 - Daddy's Girls

October 16, 2024 - Wally Tranberg

October 23, 2024 - Jerry and the Girls

October 30, 2024 - Ed (I don't have his last name - but you all know him from the Legion)

This is Baxter.  His human is a member at Harry J Olson.  We encourage you to send us photos of your favorite things so that we can post them on the website.  Your garden, your grandkids, your artwork.  A few suggestions to start you out!!  

Make sure that you check out our new FACEBOOK PAGE and like what you see.  We are working on trying to get the news out about Harry J Olson in any way that we can think of.  There are lots of rumors out there....the best place to check and see what's going on is to check in here on the Website or on FACEBOOK.  We are OPEN - Come in and join us!!!  Friend us on Facebook - Harry J Olson - The one with almost 1,700 followers!!!


While doing a little cleaning around the Center today I came across a program from the Harry J Olson 25th Anniversary Banquet.  It is dated July 12, 1990 and taped behind a plaque hanging in the game room.  In the program it has "The HJO Senior Center Philosophy".  I thought it would be appropriate to print it here and see what you think.  It reads:

The HJO Center seeks to create an atmosphere that acknowledges the value of human life, individually, collectively, and affirms the dignity and self worth of the older adult.

Older people are individually adults with ambitions, capabilities, and creative capacities.  They are capable of continued growth and development.  They, like all people, have certain basic needs, including opportunities for relationships and to experience a sense of achievement.

Society expresses its attitudes and concerns about older people in many ways.  A Senior Center facility makes an important statement about a Community's commitment to the well being of its older citizens.

The Harry J Olson Multipurpose Senior Center has been designated as a focal point to accomodate the recreational, educational, vocational, and individual activities for older adults.  

It was true then and it is true now, Seniors are a vital part of the Community.  Seniors deserve a safe, dignified place to gather to share what they know, what they have experienced.  A place to come together to support each other.  A place to laugh, to sometimes cry, but most of all a place to find friends and share life's ups and downs.  You are always welcome at Harry J Olson.


       Blast from the Past!!!

While exploring around HJO I came across a little salad recipe book that was put together by the Harry J Olson Autumn Queens.  These were gals that were nominated and would go on to win the title of Autumn Queen.  One of the highlights of their year reign would be riding in the Oktoberfest Parade in a convertible sponsored by the Northside Merchants Association

I thought I would share a recipe:  MOLDED SHRIMP SALAD

And the recipe goes like this:

1 pkg Lemon Jello 1 can salad shrimp or frozen pkg

2 cups boiling water 1/2 cup shredded pimento cheese

1/2 cup coffee cream 1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 Tb. grated onion 3 hard boiled eggs - chopped up

1 Tb. chopped green pepper

2 cups celery - chopped fine

Mix together Jello and boiling water.  Set in refrigerator till partly set.  Combine cream and mayonnaise, then add remaining ingredients.  Mix with the Jello and pour into mold.  Refrigerate to set.

***From the Kitchen of Bernice Berg

There are more recipes that I will post as we go!


Recently while talking to some members at Harry J Olson the subject of grief came up.   "What should I say?"  "This is taking too long".   "When will they get back to normal?"  Wouldn't you know that an article about grief was in the paper only a few days later.   Some of the article is summarized here.  I hope you can find something useful, or comforting in these words.

How to help a grieving loved one:

Checking in with a phone call or a card  to remind the person that you are thinking of them is always welcome.  The first year of loss is always the hardest.  Be patient.  Be present.